Monday, February 7, 2022
During the current academic session at Assumption College English Program, Year 8 students are acquiring the skills and competencies to write programs in R. R is a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. This course is a great way to help students learn how to retrieve, clean, analyze, visualize and present data that involves calculating the sum, mean, mode, median, max, min, etc.
Ending up this course, students are expected to plot a graph using R code and create a graphical representation of some data.
Year 9 students from the Assumption College English Program are learning about how computers store, transmit and process information using a numerical counting system called binary.
Binary numbers are mostly used in computers that use digits like 0 and 1 for calculating simple problems. On completion of this course students are expected to understand the role of binary in computers, count in binary, base systems of binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.
Year 10 students begin to write HTML in Graphic Design as HTML is the foundation of most web pages.
HTML is the language in which web pages are designed. It is the main technology behind all the websites. Students are also learning CSS. The result of pure HTML is boring and plain (ugly). CSS is what makes the webpages eye appealing and aesthetically pleasing. Students have created the web pages using a series of elements, proper formatting using cascading style sheets. In addition, they have also created user friendly online application forms.
Year 11 students are acquiring skills in Python programming. Python is quite easy to write compared to other languages and the most trending programming language these days among the web developers and the software industry. Students wrote the programs using Python Pandas library and learnt how to import the CSV (written in Excel and notepad/TextEdit) file to do the data analytics in the tabular form of data. The use case includes finding the sum, mean, mode, median, maximum, minimum, standard deviation and ultimately analyzing the data. In addition, Students are also learning the advanced excel functions along with the data visualizations.
Written by Ms Shilpa Chauhan