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Science Curriculum Presses on Despite Learning From Home

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

While all the teachers and students at Assumption College English Program are doubtless frustrated by having to return to online learning owing to the latest surge in the pandemic the science program at ACEP forges ahead regardless. There are challenges to be faced with this unfamiliar style of learning but we are committed to finding the benefits that is has to offer also.

Year 7 students are exploring the carbon cycle. Including; what a cycle actually is, carbon sequestration, the early atmosphere, photosynthesis, greenhouse gas and their relation to atmospheric warming, and the origin of calcium carbonate rocks in Thailand.

The Year 7 Engineering Fundamentals course have studies: Forces, compression/tension – strength analysis, dynamic forces and how shape affects strength.

Year 8 Foundation Science students started off with the learning about the layers of the Earth. They have moved on to Non-renewable and renewable energy sources. In Universal Science they have also studied about different kinds of soil.

Year 9 have been tackling the very fundamental concepts of light, refection, refraction and using ray diagrams for mirrors and lenses calculations. Whilst in their universal science classes extending their knowledge of the Earth, Sun and moon system, but becoming familiar with Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation as groundwork for understanding this system.

In upper secondary Biology students have been continuing their investigations into taxonomy and animal classifications. They’re staying extremely well motivated this year and are enjoying the content. They focused specifically on the 3 domains and what things all living organisms have in common.

Year 11s covered digestion. The main topics studied was the three main enzymes groups involved in breaking down food, where enzymes are made of and what substances do they break down.

With the year 12 are revisiting enzyme action at a deeper level. They have compared the lock and key theory to the induced fit theory of enzyme action.

Physics classes have delved into the subjects of momentum, conservation of momentum, and types of collisions for year 10.Year 11, the topics covered were ac circuits and are now moving into discussions about inductance. Staying with electricity year 12 extended their knowledge on this topic by looking into a complex combination of resistors.

In Chemistry Year 10 learned about coordination complexes and how it causes the splitting of the energies of d orbitals responsible for the fantastic colours seen in the transition element. The moved from this to looking at precipitation reactions as a prelude to the tests done in chemical analysis, our next topic.

Year 11 have been looking a t naming complex organic compounds that contain more than one functional group and are now investigating the reactions of carbon carbon double bonds.

Year 12 have been studying about nuclear reactions and how the competing forces of the strong nuclear and electrostatic forces leads to increased instability as the nucleus gets larger and hence leads to alpha decay.

We hope to get back to face to face teaching soon but in the meantime we are working to make online learning as much a success as possible.

Written by Mr Michael Lams