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Year 7 English – Island of the Blue Dolphins

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

This week at Assumption College English Program, the Year 7 students have begun reading a new novel with Mr. Dan Cracknell, entitled “Island of the Blue Dolphins”. This classic American tale written by Scott O’Dell, tells the story of Karana the girl who is left stranded alone for years after the rest of her tribe leave without her.

Hers is not only an unusual adventure of survival, but also a tale of natural beauty and personal discovery. Today the students each read a section of text, and then answered questions and built up their vocabulary lists. A great way to get back into the classroom!

Written by Mr Daniel Cracknell

Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095901
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095905
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095919
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095924
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095939
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_095948
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_100004
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_100502
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_104821
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_104838
Daniel Cracknell – IMG_20211116_104907
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