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Friday, April 9, 2021

Year 1 teachers have incorporated lots of Art and Crafts into our Summer School lessons here at ACEP. 

While we have been doing lots of number and letter work too, it has been great to see the students get their hands messy and make some beautiful art. There are many benefits to these types of activities. Cutting, gluing and painting all improve a child’s fine motor skills and will improve their pencil control and handwriting. It is also a chance for students to relax, get to know their new friends and have fun in their new school. This is very important!

The highlight so far has been our work on the story “Rainbow Fish”. We read and discussed the story together and the students learned about the importance of sharing. This was a great opportunity to practice our speaking skills. Then each student made their very own rainbow fish. 

Well done Year 1!

Written by Mr Tommy Morgan