Friday, April 2, 2021
The first week of ACEP Summer School has come to a close and the foreign staff came together to celebrate with their weekly whole school English assembly. This week, hosted by Mr. Alex, the foreign teachers began by welcoming all of our new year 1 students.
After the welcome message, the fun and games began! The assembly started off with some tricky tongue twisters, helped out by Mr. Andrew and Supakrit in year 6! Fancy a go? Give these a try…”The bottom of the butter bucket is a buttered bucket bottom” and “Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.” Try to say those ten times fast!
As per our regular assemblies, the crowd favourite, “Mystery Teacher” was back! This week, Mr. Kevin and Ms. Laksanaporn were in the hot seat! Mr. Kevin’s favourite animal is the rabbit and Ms. Laksanaporn’s favourite sport is skateboarding! Who knew?
Following on from Mystery Teacher was our weekly birthday celebrations for the month of March. Happy Belated Birthday to those students who had March celebrations.
Be sure to check back next Friday for our weekly assembly update!
Written by Mr Alex Brown