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Computer Science – Using Software and Hardware to Solve Problems

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

At Assumption College English Program, students study the design, development and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.

Through learning HTML and CSS, Year 7 students find it easy to communicate directly with other technologies around them. It includes creating and writing interactive webpages.

Students of Year 9 study Computer Number System and they are able to perform conversions (Decimal to Binary, Binary to Decimal, Octal to Binary, Binary to Octal, Octal to Decimal & Decimal to Octal) for computer to understand the input for appropriate output. They gain a better understanding of how computer number systems work in general.

Alongside, Computer Graphics and Multimedia have allowed students of Year 10 & 12 to function as designers. Making their own movies, taking photographs, and creating online content has helped them develop critical thinking, social, technical and artistic skills. This has also made them aware that their opinions and decisions matter.

Text written by Ms Shilpa Chauhan

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